New Housing Plumbing – Mississippi Housing Development

Once, state-of-the-art in plumbing was cast-iron drains and brass supply pipes. Now, those materials have been supplanted (for the most part) by PVC plastic, copper, and flexible cross-linked polyethylene, known as PEX. But whether the pipes are plastic, metal, or a combination of the two, it’s the plumber’s skill that determines how well the system works. A lot is at stake: One leaky joint can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. An undersize, improperly sloped drain will continually clog. And supply pipes that aren’t anchored every 6 feet or so will rattle and thump every time a faucet is turned off.
There’s more to proper plumbing than just following the codes and rules. Planning and installing a system that’s quiet, efficient, and leak free is something of an art. You’ll see it in the way a good plumber arranges pipes and valves for ease of maintenance, avoids wasting material or weakening framing, and takes care to wipe joints clean. “Too bad so much of our good work gets buried,” Richard laments.